Saturday, March 26, 2011

Unexpected news...

Saturday last week, that is March 19th, I was participating in one event in ITB, AIESEC Exchange Fair 2011. For those who don't know what AIESEC is, you can googling it or you can look in this link The point is, AIESEC is world's largest student organization. In each of exchange program, it has a mission that student must accomplish in that country.
So, back to the topic, at that day I watched the seminar and all of the explanation about AIESEC. I registered at the booth, fulfilled all the requirements (just filled in the application) for the on the spot interview. At first, I was a little hesitant about joining this program. I've had another targets, but this program kept amusing me. So I thought it was worth to try.

With nothing-to-worry-if-I don't-get-accepted feeling, I kept applying and attending the interview session. The interview was about 30-45 minutes. My English is SO DAMN BAD, TOTALLY! AAARGH! But yeah, it's another interview experience for me, hehe. After the interview, I just went home. Every time I remembered about the interview, I laughed. Because it's so BAD! AH! I have to improve it! It's a MUST!

Okay, the story keeps going. For the next days, I was kind of hoping (a little) to get passed the interview, but didn't want to get excited. Until one night on Wednesday (March 23rd), I got an email from one AIESEC's student. I got a little bit excited, but I still wanted to make it sure first. After read it all thoroughly and download the list of the accepted candidate, I SHOCKED! I am accepted! Wow! Is this real? Haha.. I never thought I would get this kind of chance, go to another country as an exchange student. Alhamdulillah.

Well, it's not finished yet. I have to arrange all my schedules and targets (weks, exaggerate). I hope I can do this exchange program and still can pursue all other targets. Hopefully.....Bismillah...


  1. yoi..mantap...jangan lupa kembali buat bikin konsultan rumah X ris.hahaha

  2. haha..bikin saingan tp yg lebih oke dan sehat ya gan?=P
    duh,banyak grammar yg salah,,damn=))

  3. wuiiih asik kuriiis.. oleh olehhh.. :D

  4. dasar lu jah,beresin dulu tuh urusan lu br minta oleh2,haha
